Please carefully read the below before you click the links…

Thank you for your consideration in investing in our Mango Plantations in Thailand.

Below we present you with 2 scenarios. The first scenario is the one in our prospectus which does not take into account inflation, the second scenario factors in just 3% inflation. Both the scenarios are based on our guaranteed buy-back domestic sales price starting of just 2 USD/KG.

PLEASE NOTE: It is best to view the below on your PC, not your phone.

Scenario 1
25 year annualized return table with 0% inflation. This will provide you a minimum 15.76%+ annualized returns for every 50 Mango trees you own.

Click Here to View

Scenario 2
25 year annualized return table with just 3% inflation per year. This will provide you a minimum 22.64% annualized returns for every 50 Mango trees you own. 

Click Here to View

  • As you can clearly see with just 3% annual  inflation, your additional returns are substantial. The higher the inflation, the more your annual returns will be.
  • We know that world food inflation is currently much higher than 3%, but are assuming that eventually world food inflation will get back down to pre-covid levels. 

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