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So far Plantations has created 487 blog entries.

Die katastrophale Agrarpolitik der Europäischen Union

Während die Europäische Union aggressiv ihre Politik der Null-Emissionen verfolgt, angetrieben von leidenschaftlichen Umweltaktivisten und einem unnachgiebigen Fokus auf den Klimawandel, werden die Auswirkungen auf ihren Agrarsektor katastrophal. In Kombination mit hohen Löhnen, drückenden Steuern und drakonischen Vorschriften zwingen diese Politiken eine beispiellose Anzahl von Bauernhöfen in die Insolvenz und Schließung. Das Rückgrat der Nahrungsmittelproduktion der EU bricht zusammen, was zu einem meteoritischen Anstieg der Lebensmittelpreise und der Inflation führt, der zu einer katastrophalen Lebensmittelknappheit führen könnte. Die einzige mögliche Rettung könnte in einer erhöhten Einfuhr von frischem Obst aus Asien, insbesondere aus Thailand und Malaysia, liegen. Politik der Null-Emissionen: Ein [...]

Les politiques agricoles catastrophiques de l’Union européenne

Alors que l'Union européenne poursuit agressivement sa politique de zéro émission, poussée par des activistes écologistes fervents et un accent inflexible sur le changement climatique, les répercussions sur son secteur agricole deviennent catastrophiques. Combinées à des salaires élevés, des impôts oppressifs et des réglementations draconiennes, ces politiques forcent un nombre sans précédent de fermes à la faillite et à la fermeture. La colonne vertébrale de la production alimentaire de l'UE s'effondre, entraînant une augmentation fulgurante des prix des aliments et de l'inflation qui pourrait conduire à une pénurie alimentaire catastrophique. Le seul salut potentiel pourrait résider dans une augmentation des importations [...]

The European Union’s Catastrophic Policies on Agriculture

As the European Union aggressively pursues its zero-emissions policy, driven by fervent green activists and an unyielding focus on climate change, the repercussions on its agricultural sector are becoming catastrophic. Combined with high wages, oppressive taxes, and draconian regulations, these policies are forcing an unprecedented number of farms into bankruptcy and closure. The backbone of the EU's food production is collapsing, resulting in a meteoric rise in food prices and inflation that could lead to a catastrophic food shortage. The only potential salvation may lie in increased food imports from Africa and Asia. Zero Emissions Policy: A Double-Edged Sword The EU's [...]

Global Food Shortage: Investing in Agriculture for a Secure Future

As we look ahead to the next 10 to 20 years, a disturbing reality begins to take shape on the horizon: a significant global food crisis. Various factors, including a shortage of arable land, inflation, and a rapidly growing world population, are converging to create a perfect storm that threatens the very foundation of our food supply. In light of these impending challenges, agriculture emerges as one of the most promising asset classes for investment. Understanding the roots of this crisis and recognizing the potential of agricultural investments is crucial for those looking to safeguard their financial future while contributing to [...]

Corporate Durian Tree Resale – 20% Off

Corporate Resale | Save up to 39,550 USD! (25.07% avg. annual returns) One of our corporate clients has requested our assistance in liquidating a portion of their Organic Musang King Durian tree holdings in Malaysia due to issues with their business. The client acquired 200 trees in 2023 for USD 619,200 (3,096 per tree), which is a massive 20% discount from our current pricing of USD 777,400 (3,887 per tree). Naturally, a single 50 tree transaction is preferred, but the client has agreed to release fractional packages. Below is a breakdown of the available packages (in USD): PLEASE NOTE: Since your [...]

Plantations International Carbon Neutral Agriculture

Plantations International outlines its roadmap in achieving Carbon Neutral Agriculture (CNA) on its mango plantations across Thailand. This accomplishment is a testament to the company's commitment to sustainable and regenerative agriculture. With close to 100,000 mango trees planted across its various plantations, Plantations International has not only created a thriving agricultural enterprise by being one of the largest mango producers in Thailand, but also established a powerful carbon sink that contributes significantly to its ultimate net zero emissions goal. The Role of Mango Trees in Carbon Sequestration Plantations International's mango plantations act as significant carbon sinks and play a pivotal role [...]

AcreTrader Launches Innovative New Platform

Acres: Illuminating the Farmland Market with Transparency and Innovation Acres, the innovative platform by AcreTrader, is reshaping the farmland market by offering critical information to buyers and sellers. With over 280,000 accounts created in its first year, AcreTrader is empowering informed decisions and transforming the industry. In the vast, fertile fields of the multi-trillion-dollar farmland market, a new dawn breaks with the launch of Acres, a pioneering platform designed to illuminate the once-opaque world of land transactions. Founded by Carter Malloy, CEO of AcreTrader, Acres emerges as a beacon of transparency, offering an unparalleled suite of tools including parcel boundaries, owner [...]