Plantations International News


Agarwood is the sensible and sustainable investment option

The aquilaria tree, the most important source of agarwood, is a species native to the Southeast Asian region. The resin, called agarwood, is formed naturally when the tree is affected by certain external factors, such as animal grazing, insect attack or microbial invasion and causes a moist smelling stain to the [...]

2022 Has Been a Big Year For Durian in China

There's good news for Chinese durian lovers: More shipments of the pungent-smelling tropical durian fruit are making their way into China from Southeast Asia, thanks to the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, or RCEP. A batch of 18.24 metric tons of fresh Vietnamese durians arrived in Youyiguan Port in South China's [...]

USA Stops Mango Imports From Haiti

Beginning at the end of January 2023, the United States Department of Agriculture will no longer permit the import of mangoes from Haiti. Fruit exporters immediately felt that this decision was a “strong blow” to their industry, which an industrialist claimed spent between $10 and $12 million annually. The National [...]

War in Ukraine Pushes Food Prices to Record High: FAO

The surge in food prices accelerated after the Russian invasion of Ukraine in late February. Russia and Ukraine are major exporters of wheat and corn. Global food prices have hit record levels in the wake of the Ukraine war, the latest data from the Food and Agriculture Organization shows, raising [...]

Malaysian international Chamber of Commerce and Industry

The Plantations International group of companies is very pleased to announce that its Malaysian subsidiary United Tropical Fruit Sdn. Bhd has been inducted into the Malaysian International Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MICCI). The MICCI was founded in 1837 and engages with state and federal governments to continue to ensure [...]

Plantations International rejoint le Pacte mondial des Nations Unies

Le groupe d'entreprises Plantations International est très heureux d'annoncer qu'il a été accepté dans le prestigieux Pacte mondial des Nations Unies. Plantations International s'engage à soutenir les dix principes du Pacte mondial des Nations Unies sur les droits de l'homme, le travail, l'environnement et la lutte contre la corruption. Par [...]

Plantations International Joins United Nations Global Compact

The Plantations International Group of Companies is very pleased to announce that is been accepted into the prestigious United Nations Global Compact. Plantations International pledges to support the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact on human rights, labour, environment, and anti-corruption. With this communication, we express our intent [...]

Plantations International Malaysia Receives USD 440,114,454 Revenue Valuation

United Tropical Fruit Sdn. Bhd. in Malaysia, an owned subsidiary of the Plantations International Group of companies is very pleased to announce that it has received a USD 440,114,454 projected revenue valuation for its Organic Musang King Durian Plantation from a leading International accounting and auditing firm. United Tropical Fruit's [...]

Plantations International Thailand Receives USD 270,892,231 Revenue Valuation

Plantations International Co. Limited in Thailand a member of the Plantations International Agroforestry Group of companies is very pleased to announce that it has received a USD 270,892,231 projected revenue valuation. The valuation drills down into Plantations International’s two core agroforestry products in Thailand which are Mango and Agarwood trees. [...]

How Investing in Agriculture Can Save Your Portfolio From Inflation

Inflation Is Here! – And Smart investors are putting their money into Agricultural projects to hedge against inflationary pressures. Central banks and public financial institutions are increasingly finding themselves caught between a rock and a hard place. First, the global COVID-19 pandemic forced banks to adopt unprecedented stimulus policies, pumping [...]

Malaysia’s First and Only Organic Musang King Durian Plantation

The Plantations International group of companies is very pleased to announce that via its fully own Malaysian subsidiary United Tropical Fruit Sdn. Bhd. (UTFSB), it has launched Malaysia's first and only commercial-grade Organic Musang King Durian Plantation. The United Tropical Fruit Organic Musang King Durian Plantation is located on a [...]

2021 Global Food Crises Report

The 2021 Global Food Crises Report highlights the remarkably high severity and numbers of people in Crisis or worse in 55 countries/territories, driven by persistent conflict, pre-existing and COVID-19-related economic shocks, and weather extremes. The number identified in the 2021 edition is the highest in the report’s five-year existence. While [...]