Plantations International News


DHL Malaysia Launches Next Day Durian Delivery to Hong Kong and Singapore

KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 8: Durian business owners can now take advantage of exporting the king of fruits abroad, particularly to Hong Kong and Singapore through DHL Express Malaysia's Durian Express initiative. In a statement, the international delivery service provider said it aims to help durian business owners meet the overseas [...]

Musang King Durian Demand is Increasing

Demand for Musang King Durian investment has skyrocketed this decade as more and more international consumers have gotten familiar with what we regional call the "King of Fruits". Since 2010, Musang King Durian has been one of the fastest growing markets in the world, with imports rising 26% annually. ​China's [...]

Musang King Durian to become Malaysia’s Next Major Export

Durian is one of the most exotic fruits in the world easily recognizable due to its thorn covered shell, distinctive taste and aroma. It is native to South East Asia where it is regionally known as the “King of Fruits” due to its thorn covering that resembles a king’s crown. [...]

Thailand Government to allow Trees as Collateral for Loans

Bangkok Thailand, August 2, 2020: Owners of 58 economically valuable trees will be able to use them as collateral when applying for loans at financial institutions under a new Thailand Government policy, Government spokesperson Narumon Pinyosinwat said on her Facebook page. “This policy was proposed by the Ministry of Commerce [...]

China Demands Premium Musang King Durian

MALAYSIANS will not have any durian to savour if all of the fruits are exported to China, says Deputy Agriculture and Agro-based Minister Sim Tze Tzin. “We are producing 300,000 tonnes of durians a year while we are currently exporting 5.8%, or 17,000 tonnes to China. “On comparison, Thailand exports [...]

China Buying up Musang King Durian Plantations

Malaysia’s Deputy Agriculture and Agro-based Minister Sim Tze Tzin has refuted a nightmare scenario for his durian loving countrymen, that claimed that Malaysians will have no Musang King durians left if demand for the 'king of fruits' increases in China. "We are producing 300,000 tons of durians a year, currently [...]

Musang King Durian Demand in China

The Demand for Malaysian Musang King durians soars in China. It signals the imminent arrival of opportunities and potential challenges to durian farmers. Last November, 165,000 Chinese citizens arrived at a festival in Nanning to get their hands on a premium Musang King durians. These people were not waiting excitedly [...]

United Nations Warns of World Food Crisis

The Covid-19 crisis has attacked the world at almost every angle and has certainly exposed dangerous deficiencies in the global food system. In many countries that rely on traditional farming techniques, the lockdowns are slowing harvests, while millions of seasonal labourers are unable to work. Food waste has reached damaging [...]