Why Agarwood Oud Oil Has Become More Precious Than Gold
While Asian and European markets have traditionally favored softer floral and citrus scents, global consumer tastes are moving toward those derived from the aromatic oils of oud, sandlewood and amber long associated with the people of the Gulf. Oud, known in English as agarwood, originates from the barks of trees [...]
Organic vs. Natural – What You Need To Know!
The difference between Organic and Natural is as vast as the difference between a cat and a car. All of us want to eat as healthy as possible, but the advertising industry has been deliberately and un-ethically using the word "Natural" to describe its processed foods for some time, below [...]
Special Report: China and The Global Garlic Market
OVERVIEW GLOBAL GARLIC MARKET China, by far the world's largest garlic producer, sets the conditions in the global market. Rumours about problems with the crop and possible losses are being taken relatively calmly by the international market, although there are reports that importers are monitoring their import flows more closely [...]
Thailand based company to help bolster agarwood quality
A Cambodian Agarwood company is teaming up with a Thailand investment partner to spend USD 100 million improving the quality of Cambodia’s agarwood trees, according to a memorandum of understanding signed by the two companies yesterday. Thoub Chankrassna Khmer Co (TCK), which owns agarwood plantations and an incense factory in [...]
How Does CITES Regulate the Agarwood Trade
CITES (the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) is an international agreement between governments. Its aim is to ensure that international trade in specimens of wild animals and plants does not threaten their survival. Widespread information nowadays about the endangered status of many prominent [...]
Why Should You Invest In Agarwood Forestry
Forestry and Timber Investing - The very concept seems either dull or extremely alien. After all, its’ much more satisfying to follow the rest of the herd and chase the latest hot social networking stock such as Facebook or Linkedin. However any investors – especially those looking for true diversification [...]
Saving Agarwood from Extinction
There are many names for the resinous, fragrant heartwood produced primarily by trees in the genus Aquilaria. The commoner names include agarwood, aloeswood, eaglewood, gaharu or oudh, and it is also mentioned in the Old Testament as ‘aloe’ or ‘ahaloth’. This valuable and highly fragrant wood has been used in [...]
Agarwood Trees Gave Hong Kong its Name
YEUNG SIU YU points to where a large, agarwood old tree has been hacked with a blade. Villagers have erected a metal fence around the trunk to prevent further attacks, but they fear there will be more: low-hanging limbs are still exposed. “The thieves will come back for this piece,” [...]
Very Rare Agarwood Species is Making a Comeback
A critically endangered species of agarwood, which has been elusive for more than 100 years, has resurfaced. The Aquilaria rostrata was first discovered in 1911 and was thought to be native only to Wray’s Camp in Taman Negara, Pahang. Since then, nobody had spotted the elusive agarwood species. However, two [...]
The Secret Agarwood Treasure of Vietnam
Plantations International is investigating a rumor has been spread out that two men in Bo Trach district in Quang Binh province accidentally found an Agarwood treasure in the Phong Nha – Ke Bang National Park. However, Professor Phan Truong Thi, Head of the Gemstone and Jewelries Institute, has denied the [...]
Liquid Gold Rush Endangers Agarwood Trees
Sorja Tan remembers a time when it was easy to find agarwood trees – tall, straight jungle giants – that grew in the forest reserves here. Now, there are days when he leaves the forest after a long day of gaharu collecting empty-handed. “In the past, if you go to [...]
Brisk Business for Agarwood in Kuala Lumpur
Jalan Bukit Bintang is known for its glitzy malls and bars, which tourists make a beeline for. However, among the bustling nightspots and shopping centres, there are at least six agarwood shops and perfumeries along that street alone, attracting the stream of Arab visitors looking for the expensive scent used [...]