Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions with Nitrogen
With today’s public policy focused on reducing greenhouse gas emissions, Plantations International is helping farmers play a key role in making this happen. In fact, by optimizing the nitrogen fertilizer, a farmer’s contribution can come with the side benefit of increased yield and higher profit. As with every industry, farming [...]
New Zealand Avocado Crops Better Than Expected
New Zealand Avocados Demand for avocados has not lessened through the winter and consumers will be looking forward to the New Zealand crop. The harvest is just about to start and grower and packer, Seeka Industries will pack its first avocados this weekend. "We expect a very large crop in [...]
Agarwood oil from the Aquilaria tree possess anti-cancer activity
Agarwood / Gaharu oil from the Aquilaria tree was observed to possess anti-cancer activity towards MCF-7 breast cancer cells. The findings offer evidence to further support the traditional uses of AEO to treat inflammatory related diseases. Analysis of Agarwood oil against MCF-7 (breast cancer cells). oil concentration at 44 μg/ml [...]
New Russian Ban Spells Big Troubles for Fruit and Vegetable Growers
Russian Fruit and Vegetable Ban The most recent Russian ban on fruit and vegetable imports from Republic of Srpska and Bosnia and Herzegovina are putting growers in a dire situation. Despite the ban only being in place for the last few days, producers are already struggling to keep their heads [...]
Agarwood Plantation Ownership Program
Agarwood Investment Agarwood is reputed to be the most expensive wood in the world. There are many names for the resinous, fragrant heartwood produced primarily by trees in the genus Aquilaria. Most commonly, the resin is known as agarwood, aloeswood, eaglewood, gaharu, agalocha or oudh (In Arabic). Agarwood has been [...]
Why is Plantations International Agarwood Oud Oil so popular?
Agarwood Oud Oil Oud oil from Plantations International agarwood or gaharu has become an extremely fashionable ingredient during the last years. The East and the South have always been sources for exotic and often absolutely necessary ingredients for perfumes that are typically made in the West. However, agarwood has never received [...]
Plantations International Ghana Seed Orchard
Ghana Seed Orchard Needless to tell that tropical forests are endangered all around the world. Apart from the loss in biodiversity, in our view, the clearing of tropical rainforests lies at the heart of the disruption of the rainfall patterns all around the world, and constitutes a major factor in [...]
Scientists in India Invent Sugar Free Mangoes
Sugar Free Mangoes The mango is India's most popular fruit, but due to its high sugar content, diabetics are unable to eat it and unfortunately, India has one of the highest rates of diabetes in the world. But scientists are now trying to create a new form of sugar-less mango [...]
Soy & Oilseed Facts | Trade Flow Manual
New Publication Explains Global Oilseed And Grain Trade The U.S. Soybean Export Council's (USSEC) Competitiveness Committee recently completed an extremely useful publication titled How the Global Oilseed and Grain Trade Works. This publication was completed in cooperation with Soyatech and HighQuest Partners, who have an intimate knowledge of the grain [...]
The Facts About Plantations International Palm Oil
Palm Oil Facts The oil palm (Elaeis Guineensis) has ancient roots. Oil from this attractive palm, which grows wild in West Africa and Equatorial Africa, has been used as a food and energy source for millennia. Ancient Egyptians used it -- as attested by the discovery of an earthenware jar [...]
Malaysia’s Customs Officers are Helping Keeping the Timber Trade Legal
Malaysia Legal Timber Trade More than 100 customs officers, forestry officials, timber trade enforcement and private sector representatives from across Malaysia met in Putrajaya to develop timber trade guidelines to assist frontline customs authorities in their work at a national workshop organized by the Ministry of Plantations Industries and Commodities [...]
The Truth About Agarwood and Oud Oil
If you want to grow agarwood trees, make sure to feed them plenty of carrot shavings. They prefer to drink rainwater, and will not tolerate the calcium found in pipes. Agarwood trees like it reasonably hot, up to human body temperature, but need the relief of natural shade, like palm [...]