

Agarwood vs. Kynam: What You Need to Know

Kynam—it’s not just a word; it’s a symbol of rarity, patience, and mystery. People often hear about agarwood and its value, but kynam? That’s something else entirely. To even understand why it’s so coveted, you’ve got to first grasp how it’s made. Spoiler: it’s not easy. It all starts with the Aquilaria tree, which, when stressed or infected by fungi or bacteria, produces resin. This resin hardens over time to become what we call agarwood. Simple enough, right? Well, not really. Kynam is like agarwood’s rarest, most elite form—the kind of resin that smells like it’s been touched by divinity. But [...]

What is Kynam from the Agarwood Tree

The journey from a regular Aquilaria tree to one producing kynam? It’s not just long—it’s a test of patience, luck, and respect for nature’s unpredictability. People talk about agarwood being rare, but kynam? That’s in a league of its own. Imagine waiting over 20 years, nurturing this one tree, and still, no guarantee it’ll happen. Meanwhile, ordinary agarwood can be coaxed out in about seven years. The difference is staggering, right? But that’s what makes kynam so sought after. Let’s break it down. Agarwood—what most people know—forms when an Aquilaria tree gets "injured." Could be natural, maybe a storm cracked the [...]

How Agriculture is the Best Investment for Creating Generational Wealth

When most people think about agriculture, their minds often drift to vast fields of crops like wheat, corn, or vegetables. However, there’s another form of agriculture that offers even greater potential for long-term income: perennial crops. Perennial crops are plants that live for more than two years and continue to produce yield season after season without the need for replanting. Unlike annual crops, which must be sown and harvested each year, perennials, such as fruit trees, provide investors with a reliable and consistent source of income over many years. This unique characteristic makes perennial crops a particularly attractive option for those [...]

Mise à jour des actualités de janvier 2024

Bienvenue dans notre actualité de janvier 2024 sur Plantations International. Dans ce numéro… Nous avons des nouvelles très excitantes ! La NOUVELLE évaluation par BDO de Plantations International Plantations International rejoint le Pacte mondial des Nations Unies Plantation biologique Musang King Durian – La première au monde ! Accord de collaboration avec l'Université de Mara NOUVELLE évaluation par BDO de Plantations International ~ En novembre 2021, Plantations International Thaïlande a reçu une évaluation des revenus projetés de 270 892 231 USD de la part du cabinet international de comptabilité et d'audit Mazars. Depuis lors, nos plantations de mangues ont plus que triplé en taille.  [...]

January 2024 News Update

Welcome to our January 2024 Plantations International Update. In this issue... We have some very exciting news! Plantations International's NEW BDO Valuation Plantations International Joins United Nations Global Compact Organic Musang King Durian Plantation - World's First! Mara University Collaboration Agreement Plantations International's NEW BDO Valuation ~ in November of 2021 Plantations International Thailand received a projected revenue valuation USD 270,892,231 from the international accounting and auditing firm Mazars. Since then our Mango plantations have more than TRIPLED in size. In early January of this year the team from BDO agreed to update our previous valuation to reflect our growth. BDO [...]

Plantations International Receives PEFC Certification

Plantations International Thailand is very proud to announce that its mango plantation in Thailand has received the prestigious PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification) certification. This landmark achievement marks the first time a mango plantation in Asia has been recognized for its commitment to sustainable forest management practices. The PEFC certification is a globally recognized symbol of sustainable forest management, ensuring that forests are managed in line with challenging environmental, social, and economic requirements. This certification reflects Plantations International Thailand's commitment to environmental stewardship, social responsibility, and economic viability. By adhering to the stringent standards set by PEFC, Plantations [...]

Agarwood is the sensible and sustainable investment option

The aquilaria tree, the most important source of agarwood, is a species native to the Southeast Asian region. The resin, called agarwood, is formed naturally when the tree is affected by certain external factors, such as animal grazing, insect attack or microbial invasion and causes a moist smelling stain to the core of the tree. Thanks to extensive research and a patented organic and vegetable serum, it is possible to promote the appearance of resin in the tree. Agarwood has been a highly prized forest product for thousands of years, used in perfumes, incense, medicines, in aromatherapy, in cultural and religious ceremonies (religious [...]