
War in Ukraine Pushes Food Prices to Record High: FAO

The surge in food prices accelerated after the Russian invasion of Ukraine in late February. Russia and Ukraine are major exporters of wheat and corn. Global food prices have hit record levels in the wake of the Ukraine war, the latest data from the Food and Agriculture Organization shows, raising concerns over food security and the conflict's impact on vulnerable populations across the world. The U.N.'s food price index rose to 159.3 in March, up 17.9 points, or 13%, from February and jumped 34% from a year ago. The index measures the monthly change in international prices for a basket of [...]

Plantations International Joins United Nations Global Compact

The Plantations International Group of Companies is very pleased to announce that is been accepted into the prestigious United Nations Global Compact. Plantations International pledges to support the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact on human rights, labour, environment, and anti-corruption. With this communication, we express our intent to implement those principles. We are committed to making the UN Global Compact and its principles part of the strategy, culture, and day-to-day operations of our group, and to engaging in collaborative projects which advance the broader development goals of the United Nations, particularly the Sustainable Development Goals. Plantations International has [...]

The Philippines Entering Lucrative Agarwood Industry

A DRAFT administrative order that may pave the way for the commercial propagation of the agarwood-producing Aquilaria tree species in the Philippines amid the pandemic is now being reviewed by a technical working group of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) Central Office. Once it passes the crucial assessment, the draft administrative order will be submitted to the Office of the Secretary of the DENR for signing, finally putting in place guidelines for the establishment of commercial or backyard tree farms for the purpose of producing agarwood. A DRAFT administrative order that may pave the way for the commercial [...]

February 2021 News Update

Welcome to our February 2021 Plantations International update. In this issue... We have some very exciting news! New Representative Office in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam New Plantation Management Company in Malaysia Mango Plantation in Thailand on Schedule Clients Harvests Proceeds Can Now be Paid Directly into a Visa Debit Card New Tahitian Vanilla bean grow-house in Cambodia New Representative Office in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam ~ Plantations International is very pleased to announce the opening of a representative office in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. The new representative office trades under the name of Royal Plantations Co. Limited and [...]

European Association for Business and Commerce

January 29, 2021 - Plantations International Co. Limited in Bangkok, Thailand which is a part of the Plantations International group of companies, is very pleased to announce that it has been inducted into the European Association for Business and Commerce. The European Association for Business and Commerce (EABC), established in 2011, aims to be the unified voice of the European business community in Thailand. EABC's objectives are to advocate member interests, to support European business in Thailand and to promote Thailand as an attractive partner for European foreign investment and trade. EABC acts as the European chamber of commerce in Thailand, covering [...]

Precision Farming is the Future of Food Production

We are all familiar with rice, oil palm, rubber and durian. Rubber is grown for rubber latex, which finds wide use in thousands of products that have served us all well. Lately, rubber gloves, in high demand due to the pandemic, have emerged as a big money-maker. The export of rubberwood furniture has earned big bucks for the country. One estimate has put the income from rubberwood furniture as more than RM10 billion. The oil palm is the nation's golden crop, bringing in around RM80 billion each year. Although about 80 per cent of palm oil end up as food, a [...]

The Health Benefits of Drinking Agarwood Tea

It seems that the famous celebrity, Doctor Oz, got us all thinking about the benefits drinking of green tea, and so, a ton of little-known herbal teas were brought into the forefront of the media, due to their slimming and detox properties. Some of these natural loose leaf teas may be new to us in North America, but they are not new, in any sense of word, to the world around us. One such herbal tea is the virtually unheard of agarwood tea leaves. While it is a predominant force in Asian medicinal and spiritual practices, not too many of us [...]